Happy Clients

If you have taken a Mon­treal photo tour with me or have learned a thing or two from the pod­casts I pub­lish, com­ment­ing in this sec­tion is greatly appre­ci­ated.
If you also wanted to copy or post the review on Trip advi­sor or Yelp that would be fab­u­lous and super-appreciated!

Please know that due to the photo web­sites I’m involved with I spend reg­u­lar time every day online help­ing peo­ple with their pho­tog­ra­phy. Just because your photo tour may be over, your rela­tion­ship with me is ongo­ing. If you need help with some­thing just shoot me an email and I’ll try hard to respond as quickly as pos­si­ble.  Thanks again!


  1. Posted June 5, 2016 at 8:27 am by Dave L | Permalink

    Just got back from photo tour with Marko (6//3/16). It was fan­tas­tic and so, so worth the price. I booked this for my wife and daugh­ter who are avid ama­teur pho­tog­ra­phers. I tagged along just to lis­ten. Even though my wife and daugh­ter had both taken pho­tog­ra­phy lessons pre­vi­ously and under­stood the basic con­cepts, Marko did an amaz­ing job of dis­till­ing these con­cepts down to a hand­ful of very clear guide­lines they could use to mas­sively ele­vate their skills. Even I, a non-photographer lis­ten­ing in, gained a sig­nif­i­cant under­stand­ing of the basic con­cepts. Not only did he explain to to us, but he pro­vided us with a printed cheat sheet as well as an ebook explain­ing these con­cepts in detail. What a great value! Marko is a friendly, knowl­edge­able, and gre­gar­i­ous Mon­treal native who knows the city inti­mately. He gave us sug­ges­tions on what to do and see while in the city. We really enjoyed our time with him. If you are a pho­tog­ra­pher, or a wannabe like me, there is no other activ­ity I would rec­om­mend more highly than Marko’s Photo Tour.

  2. Posted July 19, 2015 at 11:13 pm by jrsvp | Permalink

    This photo tour was the high­light of our vaca­tion which ended in Mon­treal. Marko took us to the best places to see plus the best place to pho­to­graph in Mon­treal. He stim­u­lated our diverse group to do more things with our cam­eras then we have done before. He was extremely patient and knowl­edge­able. It was much more like trav­el­ing with a close friend than a tour guide or teacher. If you are inter­ested in pho­tog­ra­phy we highly rec­om­mend a tour with Marko,

    This review copied from Trip Advi­sor http://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g155032-d4419746-Reviews-Photo_Tour_Montreal-Montreal_Quebec.html

  3. Posted July 2, 2015 at 2:41 pm by 183drf | Permalink

    I received a cam­era from my hus­band as a gift & I was frus­trated that my pic­tures were not turn­ing out the way I wanted. I decided to take a course with Marko and boy was I glad I did!!! He came to my house (I live in Mon­treal & did not need the tour) and we sat out­side and he thor­oughly went through the 3 pil­lars of pho­tog­ra­phy (who knew??) He gave me detailed expla­na­tions and plenty of exam­ples. He def­i­nitely knows his stuff and his enthu­si­asm for pho­tog­ra­phy is obvi­ous. He also explained backgrounds/lighting/poses (I want to do more por­trait). Hon­estly, this is the best deci­sion I made. After I fin­ished his course I prac­ticed with fam­ily mem­bers and I can already see a big dif­fer­ence in my pic­tures. I’m so excited because the improve­ment is already notice­able. A big THANK YOU to Marko for such an inter­est­ing course!

    This review copied from Trip Advi­sor http://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g155032-d4419746-Reviews-Photo_Tour_Montreal-Montreal_Quebec.html

  4. Posted June 7, 2015 at 2:33 pm by kathy w | Permalink

    Yes­ter­day my hus­band and I went on Marko’s 3.5-hour photo tour of Mon­treal. (We were vis­it­ing Mon­treal from the USA). This morn­ing I woke up pinch­ing myself to test and see if it was all just a dream, or if we had really expe­ri­enced such an incred­i­ble time.

    I am the pri­mary fam­ily pho­tog­ra­pher; my hus­band is a fully func­tional pho­tog­ra­pher, loves to learn and was happy to join me in the adven­ture. Marko began with a 30-minute clear, easy-to-follow mini-lecture on basic expo­sure and cam­era tech­niques. While most of this was not new to me, it was good to hear it stated in such a clear, con­cise way.

    Then…the tour. Oh…my good­ness! Marko totally not only knows photography…he knows how to TEACH pho­tog­ra­phy. And Marko knows Mon­treal! He is an instruc­tor who is keenly aware of just the right pace, sug­ges­tions, cri­tique, and encour­age­ment his stu­dents need. He has more love and enthu­si­asm for what he does than should be legal! ☺ If you spend a cou­ple of hours with Marko and your heart for pho­tog­ra­phy hasn’t grown five times bigger…you may want to take your pulse to check if you HAVE a heart.

    Whether you are a begin­ner, or feel like you have a fairly good grasp on basic pho­tog­ra­phy, expo­sure, com­po­si­tion, etc. – this is a tour that will change the way you use your cam­era as well as change the way you see your world. Marko is an expe­ri­enced, pro­fes­sional, and excel­lent pho­tog­ra­pher – and an ener­getic teacher and coach.

    To top it all off…this morn­ing I had an email from Marko with links to TWO of his e-books. They are both excel­lent and are filled with pho­tographs taken by Marko. Expo­sure Exposed is 100 pages of pic­tures and easy to fol­low instruc­tions, tips, and clearly explained tech­niques. These just add to the treasure!

    Our day ended with our heads and hearts full – and with the joy of hav­ing made a new friend. Thanks, Marko!

    This review copied from Trip Advi­sor http://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g155032-d4419746-Reviews-Photo_Tour_Montreal-Montreal_Quebec.html

  5. Posted September 30, 2014 at 8:23 am by 593Christine | Permalink

    Marko was very knowl­edge­able on the func­tions of my Nikon SLR. He gave excel­lent expla­na­tions on the work­ings of the SLR and how to enhance the qual­ity of the pic­tures. The course was more about increas­ing the ablity to take bet­ter pic­tures, which is what I was inter­ested in. The course was long enough to give you good insight on the cam­era func­tions with­out over­load­ing you. I would rec­om­mend this course. Marko is very per­son­able and makes learn­ing interesting.

    This review copied from Trip Advi­sor http://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g155032-d4419746-Reviews-Photo_Tour_Montreal-Montreal_Quebec.html

  6. Posted September 22, 2014 at 11:02 am by David B | Permalink

    This tour was orga­nized more as a photo class than a photo site see­ing tour which was good — that was what I was look­ing for. But we did walk around Vieux Mon­treal as well which was fun. Marko was very respon­sive before the les­son, very friendly and knowl­edge­able and a good teacher. I learnt a lot on how to bet­ter use the cam­era — up to now I’ve mainly used auto mode but from now on I’ll have more fun cre­at­ing bet­ter photo’s with more man­ual set­tings. Thanks a lot Marko and, as said, I hope I can organ­ise my sched­ule to fit another les­son in next week (focus­ing on photo’s with the autumn/fall tree col­ors changing).

    This review copied from Trip Advi­sor http://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g155032-d4419746-Reviews-Photo_Tour_Montreal-Montreal_Quebec.html

  7. Posted July 30, 2014 at 8:19 am by Joseph K | Permalink

    I recently took a pho­tog­ra­phy course with Marko. Not only did I visit areas in Mon­treal that I had not been to before but also learned how to take bet­ter pic­tures as well as learn how to use my cam­era. Marko is a most per­son­able, knowl­edge­able and friendly per­son. He is a great teacher and has the utmost patience and loves to impart his knowl­edge. I highly rec­om­mend Marko to both the expe­ri­enced pho­tog­ra­pher as well as the begin­ner. I had a great experience.

    This review copied from Trip Advi­sor http://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g155032-d4419746-Reviews-Photo_Tour_Montreal-Montreal_Quebec.html

  8. Posted July 25, 2014 at 10:55 pm by Steve_a | Permalink

    I wanted to learn how to use my SLR cam­era bet­ter because I always used the Auto set­tings. I emailed Marko about his avail­abil­ity. He was very quick to respond to my emails and called me to con­firm the date, time and loca­tion. When we met, Marko took 20–30 min­utes to explain what hap­pens when a pic­ture is taken, tak­ing pic­tures at var­i­ous set­tings to illus­trate his point. I found I learned a lot quicker as a result. Marko did not rush this part, ask­ing me if I under­stood or had any ques­tions. He also sug­gested a few acces­sories I might like, given the type of pho­tog­ra­phy I am inter­ested in. That is just one exam­ple of how he cus­tomized our ses­sion together which I appre­ci­ated. Marko is also very per­son­able and easy to talk to. We then walked around and took pic­tures to put what we dis­cussed into prac­tice. Marko is very knowl­edge­able about Mon­treal. In addi­tion to all the great pho­tos I have of have now of Mon­treal, Marko includes 2 e-books on pho­tog­ra­phy. I highly rec­om­mend Marko if you want to learn to be a bet­ter pho­tog­ra­pher, no mat­ter what your skill level. I am very glad I took this tour — I feel I know how to work my cam­era now.

    This review copied from Trip Advi­sor http://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g155032-d4419746-Reviews-Photo_Tour_Montreal-Montreal_Quebec.html

  9. Posted June 25, 2014 at 8:15 am by Tjglal | Permalink

    Marko is a gen­uine per­son who takes the time to talk to peo­ple and tries to ensure that each per­son gets what they need from his tour.

    He’s knowl­edge­able with­out being con­de­scend­ing and infor­ma­tive with­out being pushy. I learned a lot from him and wasn’t scared to ask the “stu­pid questions”.

    This tour is good for all lev­els from begin­ner to advanced and a great activ­ity for those who want to learn more about pho­tog­ra­phy. The dou­ble bonus is learn­ing a lit­tle about Mon­treal at the same time! ;)

    This review copied from Trip Advi­sor http://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g155032-d4419746-Reviews-Photo_Tour_Montreal-Montreal_Quebec.html

  10. Posted May 4, 2014 at 8:12 am by MovieQueen2 | Permalink

    I have been using my new Canon cam­era for a year now and could not get a han­dle on the com­plex fea­tures it offers. Marko went above and beyond to teach me as much as he could with the lit­tle time we had. Mon­treal is a beau­ti­ful city and we vis­ited sev­eral sights where I was able to cap­ture some awe­some pic­tures. If you love pho­tog­ra­phy, I highly rec­om­mend the photo course/tour to any­one who wants to take bet­ter pic­tures, whether a begin­ner or advanced…have a point and shoot or a new pro cam­era. Marko is patient and extremely knowledgeable!

    This review copied from Trip Advi­sor http://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g155032-d4419746-Reviews-Photo_Tour_Montreal-Montreal_Quebec.html

  11. Posted April 14, 2014 at 9:36 am by Linda R | Permalink

    Thanks for the photo tour and course his week­end Marco. Your enthu­si­asm for mak­ing photo graphs (as your said many times) is infec­tious. I’ll be back in mon­treal in a few months and will con­tact you for another tour.

    Linda R

  12. Posted September 3, 2013 at 6:30 pm by Djamel | Permalink

    Merci Marko pour le cours de pho­tos, c’était vrai­ment instruc­tif, j’ai appris pleins de choses et main­tenant je prends des pho­tos de plus en plus belles…

  13. Posted September 3, 2013 at 8:09 am by Djam-L | Permalink

    Thank you Marko for the course, it was a plea­sure to hav­ing you as a pri­vate pho­to­graph teacher, I strongly recom­mand this activ­ity to all the lover of pho­tog­ra­phy, advanced or begin­ner, and who want to dis­cover Mon­treal in the same time


    This review copied from Trip Advi­sor http://www.tripadvisor.ca/Attraction_Review-g155032-d4419746-Reviews-Photo_Tour_Montreal-Montreal_Quebec.html

  14. Posted July 10, 2013 at 1:58 pm by Julie | Permalink

    I was in Mon­treal, for my first time, for less than 48 hours. I chose to spend 3.5 of those hours with Marko and I am so glad that I did! Marko is kind, easy to talk to and def­i­nitely knows his stuff. He cov­ered the basics with me as well as a few more advanced tech­niques that I con­tinue to put into prac­tice today. He has kept in touch and I’m happy to say, he is now a men­tor and friend.

    Invest in your­self and your pas­sion for pho­tog­ra­phy! Hands on learn­ing is the best type and Mon­treal is a beau­ti­ful city to learn such a fine craft.

    Thanks Marko!
    Julie (a Canon-user)

  15. Posted June 1, 2013 at 12:40 pm by Sarah G. | Permalink

    I just took a photo tour of Mon­treal last week with Marko and I had a blast. He put all the expo­sure stuff that I had heard about into a frame­work that finally makes sense. I also got to take a lot of inter­est­ing images of Down­town and old Mon­treal. I’m finally under­stand­ing my cam­era. Thanks Marko !

  16. Posted April 24, 2013 at 3:38 pm by Jack | Permalink

    I got my photo tour with Marko as a present from my wife — firstly what an awe­some gift to give some­one as a present, and sec­ondly, Marko’s teach­ing really was invalu­able. I’m super excited about being able to put into prac­tice all that I learned. Thanks again Marko, and it was great to have a beer with you too! I can’t wait to explore more of Mon­treal, I think we’re com­ing back in the summer.

  17. Posted January 7, 2013 at 8:22 pm by Daniel B. | Permalink

    Hey guys
    I just took the Mon­treal pho­tog­ra­phy tour over the hol­i­days. I already had a good under­stand­ing of pho­tog­ra­phy to start with but I still learnt a lot of impor­tant points in a short amount of time with Marko.
    We, my wife came along with me, met Marko in old Mon­treal vis­it­ing a cou­ple of land­marks. As we went on the tour, Marko started to go through all of the cam­era set­tings and mak­ing sure that we under­stood our cam­eras. Every­thing finally came together. Marko is a really easy going guy and his way of teach­ing was very easy to under­stand. We had a great afternoon.

    I highly rec­om­mend his tour. Thanks Marko

  18. Posted November 8, 2012 at 8:49 pm by Richard | Permalink

    I know a bit of the basics of pho­tog­ra­phy after many par­tially com­pleted online courses, some books, and some research done spo­rad­i­cally over the past few years. After only a few hours with Marko, I now feel for the first time that I have a han­dle on it. Marko is a great teacher, his pas­sion for pho­tog­ra­phy is imme­di­ately appar­ent… and con­ta­gious! He has a way of mak­ing every­thing seem easy and under­stand­able. Since going on the pho­tog­ra­phy tour, I’m just look­ing for oppor­tu­ni­ties to prac­tice my new skills!

    Thank you so much Marko for the great expe­ri­ence, I will let every­one I know how awe­some of an expe­ri­ence it was.


  19. Posted November 7, 2012 at 4:46 am by Alex | Permalink

    My wife sur­prised me for my birth­day by arrang­ing an after­noon with Marko, and we had a blast! What a great gift idea.

    We had pur­chased a Canon T2i (SLR) a num­ber of months ago, and we knew that there was a lot more that we could do with it. Marko started our after­noon by explain­ing to us the basic fac­tors that we need to con­sider when tak­ing a pic­ture. For begin­ners like us, he was extremely clear in his expla­na­tions, and really made sure we grasped the con­cepts before we started explor­ing Old Montreal.

    While explor­ing and set­ting up cre­ative, Marko allowed us to put into prac­tice what we had learned and pro­vided con­struc­tive feed­back to allow us to learn and grow as a cre­ative photographer.

    The eBooks that were pro­vided after the ses­sion are invalu­able. They are well writ­ten, clearly explained, as well as nicely illus­trated. Marko has made clear to us that he is a part­ner for us as we grow with our pho­tog­ra­phy. We would highly rec­om­mend him to any­one who has ever wanted to take their pho­tos to the next level. You won’t regret it.

  20. Posted October 8, 2012 at 9:53 pm by Anne Graffy | Permalink

    I was vis­it­ing Mon­treal for the first time due to my niece mov­ing there. I had been strug­gling to learn how to use a new dig­i­tal cam­era. Book­ing a photo lesson/tour of Mon­treal was the best money I ever spent on vaca­tion. Not only did he show us what a beau­ti­ful city Mon­treal is, but I learned more about tak­ing great pho­tos in 3 hours than I had read­ing man­u­als and watch­ing teach­ing videos over the past year.
    It was a great mem­ory for my niece as well.
    Thank you Marko

  21. Posted September 20, 2012 at 3:56 pm by Biju Rama | Permalink

    Hello Marko:
    Cou­ple of months ago I had a evening ses­sion with you and I would like to say that it was absolutely incred­i­ble. Your are a fan­tas­tic instruc­tor. your knowl­edge, style of instruc­tion, lucky to have one on one ses­sion, made the ses­sion fun, infor­ma­tive & very inter­ac­tive (very patient). The qual­ity of my pho­tos have dras­ti­cally improved, and my love, pas­sion and under­stand­ing of pho­tog­ra­phy have been taken to a new level.

    It didn’t stop with that — he also authored two ebooks which I often refer to refresh or claify some of the cam­era set­ting. Plus he is always avail­able by email :-) thats a bonus..!

    Thank you and wish­ing you only the best and will keep in touch


  22. Posted July 29, 2012 at 4:02 pm by Rebecca | Permalink

    HEy every­one!

    just took a class with Marko and it was great! I highly recomend it to any­one who needs some tips and beter under­stand­ing of the cam­era! Marko is easy to talk to, knows his stuff and always has a tip mak­ing you say ooooh thats how to do it… Loved it! thanks Marko!

  23. Posted June 18, 2012 at 9:43 pm by David E. | Permalink

    Hi Marko,
    Back from the Bahamas,

    Great trip took tons of pics, your ebook was invalu­able while I was down­there. It kept me under­stand­ing what I was try­ing to do and it made for some great shots.

    Read­ing it over and over down on the plane and then hav­ing in on my Ipad to have with me was a big big help.

    It was just like talk­ing to you and the expla­na­tions were crys­tal clear. Thanks!

  24. Posted June 4, 2012 at 4:13 pm by C. Poulin | Permalink

    Hi Marko,

    I wanted to thank you for this amaz­ing tour I had with you in Old Montreal.

    As semi-professional pho­tog­ra­pher, i wasn’t expect­ing so much from this class, but I was totally sur­prised to see how many new tricks I’ve learned.

    You are very pre­cise in your expla­na­tions and it makes it so easy to under­stand the techniques.

    I hope I can take more classes like that and that I can go far­ther in the con­trol of my passion.

    Thanks a lot buddy.

  25. Posted May 18, 2012 at 1:38 pm by Roberta | Permalink

    Dear Marko,

    thank you so much for the infor­ma­tive after­noon. Your way of teach­ing is really remark­able. This was my first attempt to pho­tog­ra­phy and after these 2 hours train­ing I feel so moti­vated to try and apply what I learned. Thanks again! Roberta

  26. Posted May 16, 2012 at 1:51 pm by Francine D. | Permalink

    Hello Marko,

    Merci encore pour le cours de photo samedi.
    Merci pour les liens, wow, je décou­vre des sites formidables !

    Tes pho­tos que je n’ai pas fini de regarder sont spec­tac­u­laires !
    Je vais passer des heures à les regarder et je con­tin­uerai d’apprendre, crois-moi !

    J’ai adoré mes deux heures de cours avec toi, toutes tes expli­ca­tions étaient telle­ment claires
    et tu es un excel­lent vulgarisateur.

    C’était sim­ple et effi­cace, la meilleure façon d’apprendre à mon avis !

    On se reparle ,


  27. Posted May 10, 2012 at 2:14 pm by Emjay B. | Permalink

    Hiya Marko,

    Thanks again for an amaz­ing and infor­ma­tive after­noon… it was a great learn­ing expe­ri­ence and you sure knew how to per­son­al­ize it to meet my needs! I thor­oughly enjoyed myself and will surely rec­om­mend this to col­leagues and friends!

    Again, thanks for everything!


  28. Posted May 1, 2012 at 1:30 pm by Zainab | Permalink

    The Mon­treal tour with pho­tog­ra­pher Marko Kulik is the best gift I’ve given myself in a long time! Mon­treal is such a beau­ti­ful city and the tour with Marko was not only infor­ma­tive but a lot of fun as well. I’m a hob­by­ist with a lot to learn and Marko made sure I under­stood every­thing before mov­ing on, he has many great tips to share and best of all he’s very patient, some­thing I’m very grate­ful for as I stopped him way too many times to take shots of this won­der­ful city! Thank you Marko so so much!

    Thank you once again for every­thing, it was great meet­ing you and hope­fully some day when I’m back to Mon­treal we meet for another tour :)

    Wish you all the best,

  29. Posted August 29, 2011 at 10:41 am by Andre | Permalink

    Before I met Marko-I always shot in auto­matic. I had read about ape­tures and fstops sev­eral times but I never really grasped the con­cept. Marko not only explained to me what they meant but showed my the dif­fer­ence between the two and showed me how small adjust­ments make a huge dif­fer­ence. Within one after­noon my skills and pho­tos improved greatly. I can’t wait to go back for more he has some great cre­ative ideas and tips.

  30. Posted August 27, 2011 at 6:54 pm by Daniel T | Permalink

    Hey Marko,
    I just wanted to say thank you very much for the photo shoot we had last week­end, all the tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion and advice you gave me is already help­ing me to improve my over­all pho­tog­ra­phy skills. You know what you’re talk­ing about and it shows. Thanks again.
    Daniel T.

  31. Posted August 23, 2011 at 10:29 pm by Tanya | Permalink

    Marko is a very patient teacher who finds ways of say­ing things so that they make sense.
    He’s flex­i­ble and adapts his teach­ings to the level his stu­dents require, even those very novice.
    He’s a no none­sense guy who’s good at what he does and is more than happy to impart his tal­ents on others.

  32. Posted November 1, 2010 at 6:22 am by Martin John | Permalink

    I dis­cov­ered the pod­cast just a few days ago and have already lis­tened to most of them. The top­ics are per­fect and your treat­ment of each, as well as the length of your pod­casts, is really spot on.
    I’m look­ing for­ward to putting my hum­ble efforts on the Assign­ments Board and receiv­ing feed­back.
    Let me know if you ever make it to Mex­ico City; I’d be happy to tour around and shoot with you.
    –Mar­tin (“MartinJohn”)

  33. Posted August 11, 2010 at 5:10 am by David F | Permalink

    Hey Marko–
    I am get­ting back into phtotg­ra­phy after a23 year hia­tus (last SLR was a Pen­tax K1000). I have a long drive to work each day and have been look­ing for a pod­cast to help me get back up to speed. I lis­tened to a ton of pod­casts, and then I found yours. I started with what you had on iTunes, and after I fin­ished all of those, I even went back and lis­tened to every­thing you had on the site, back to pod­cast #5. You’ve come a long way. It was funny, too, because I kept won­der­ing when your bumper music was going to change from the cam­era shut­ter to the funky vibe (28 I think)! Any­way, I noticed you haven’t posted a new one in a while, and I just wanted to encour­age you to keep pod­cast­ing (the way you always tell us to keep shoot­ing). You’re doing a great job, and I would really rather lis­ten to you than the other stuff I found out there, which con­sisted largely of blowhards and peo­ple try­ing to pitch products…very annoy­ing. Any­ways, even if you don’t con­tinue, thanks much for help­ing me climb back up the power curve!

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