Impressionistic Cities at Night — Illuminight

Pho­tographs in this series use long expo­sures and inten­tional cam­era move­ment to cap­ture city lights and the moods they cre­ate as they inter­act with peo­ple and their envi­ron­ments. This allows me to slow down and blur the moments, peo­ple and places that make up city-life. This ‘slow­ing down’ and blur­ring allows the colours, lines and forms to blend result­ing in an impres­sion­is­tic feel to the pho­tographs, mak­ing many of them look like paint­ings. The pho­tographs you are look­ing at though were all cre­ated in cam­era, they are not in any way the result of exten­sive photo manip­u­la­tion through soft­ware. Only basic adjustments/retouching to the RAW file are done.

Although I’ve started shoot­ing in this style in dif­fer­ent cities, most of the images are of Mon­treal, Que­bec, Canada.
I’m biased for sure (Mon­treal is the city of my birth, and where I live and play), but I think Mon­treal is the coolest city in Canada and it def­i­nitely has it’s own spe­cial mood and vibe. Part of what makes Mon­treal so inter­est­ing is the fact that although Eng­lish is spo­ken by many, Mon­treal is the sec­ond largest French speak­ing city in the West­ern world.  The munic­i­pal gov­ern­ment works pri­mar­ily in French and all the street signs are in French. It’s mostly a French city so I’ve cho­sen to title many of the images taken in Mon­treal with French titles. They should be very easy to fig­ure out though. Rue means street, carré means square, de means of, Hôtel de Ville means city hall and Vieux Mon­tréal is Old Mon­treal. CLICK the indi­vid­ual thumb­nails to make them big and tasty on the eyes.

I’m pleased to report that from Octo­ber through Decem­ber 2013 an exhi­bi­tion fea­tur­ing 25 pho­tographs from this series was fea­tured at the Meridien-Versailles Hotel In Mon­treal, Que­bec, Canada. From Feb­ru­ary 24 until May 15 2014, this exhi­bi­tion was also fea­tured at the chic Hotel 10 in Mon­treal.  Both hotels wel­come walk-in art lovers so don’t be shy to drop in and take a look at their cur­rent exhi­bi­tions.  If you’d like to pur­chase any of the pho­tographs in this series, they are avail­able in lim­ited edi­tions of only 10 prints (all sizes com­bined) per pho­to­graph. Please con­tact me by email for pric­ing and details.

Here’s an inter­view about the exhi­bi­tion on Global T.V. — (My seg­ment at 16:10 )


  1. Posted June 13, 2014 at 9:55 am by Jorie Richman | Permalink

    Love these colour­ful images full of life and energy!

  2. Posted March 22, 2013 at 11:06 am by Dave E | Permalink

    Beau­ti­ful images, Marko! You’ve inspired me to try some more of this. Looks like you used the zoom move­ment on your lens for many of the ones I liked best. Since I almost always have a prime on the cam­era that’s been a motion that I haven’t had avail­able. I’ll have to change things up a bit.

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