Tag Archives: travel photography
Cloudy Mountain Day Yukon, Canada
The light was fading fast when I spotted this smile-producing mountain cloud scene driving in my car. When I got out of the car I was too low to get the scene at the right angle so I stood on the hood of the car to get the shot hand held. Shooting while standing on a car is something I have been doing for a while. Time and time again I’ll be driving and spot a gorgeous scene but when I get out of the car to make the image, I’m too low; my angle has changed. Standing on the hood often gets me the higher angle that intrigued me in the first place. You need to be steady on your feet and stand away from the center of the hood. Anyway, it works for me but obviously depending on your body type and what type of hood you have, it may or may not work for you and you may or may not cause damage or ‘dings’ to your hood. In my case it seems to me that I can wipe off the foot prints afterwards with no other consequences.
I wanted to assure sharpness in this image with a fairly fast shutter speed because I wasn’t 100% steady balancing on the car. The focal length was 170mm which required a shutter speed of at least 1/170 but due to not being so steady on a curved hood, I made SURE to go faster. At ISO 400, in aperture priority mode I chose an F-stop of F-14 (because I wanted good sharpness in the mountain and the clouds) and that gave me a shutter speed of 1/200. Due to not being on flat ground though which compromised steadiness, I deliberately danced with the ISO and made it 800. And the second I changed the ISO to 800, the camera changed the shutter speed to 1/400. I liked that speed and aperture combination and so I clicked the shutter release button and made this image.

Cloudy Mountain Day Yukon, Canada