
Med­i­ta­tion — This is one of my all time favorite images. I shot this in the late nineties and it remains one of my faves to this day. It looks much bet­ter in print but even now look­ing at it again in web-quality for the jil­lionth time, I still dig it. I dig this shot because of the expres­sion on the face, the dead stare in the eyes and the tonal qual­ity. It’s a very per­sonal shot for me of a good friend. I’ll even be a bit more hon­est; while I watched it reveal itself in the dark­room devel­op­ing bath for the first time, I wept from joy. That was a one time thing — it’s never hap­pened since. I can never decide if the image looks bet­ter as a hor­i­zon­tal or vertical.

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