Montréal en lumières — Montreal in lights festival

A cou­ple of weeks ago we had a fab­u­lous 10 day fes­ti­val in Mon­treal called Mon­treal in Lights — Mon­tréal en lumières and it was awe­some!! What a great way to break up the darker win­ter months with some much needed light.  As usual, the city of Mon­treal and the spon­sors of the event did a fan­tas­tic job. Rue Jeanne Mance and the Area around Place Des Arts turned into a lumi­nous zone that was fun for kids and adults alike. A well lit funky fer­ris wheel, a  huge slide that pul­sated with lights, per­form­ers wear­ing mir­rored boxes on their heads, loads of fire­places to warm up to, won­der­ful pro­jec­tions onto screens and build­ings; these were some of the main attrac­tions of the event. Every­one was smil­ing and hav­ing a blast at this FREE event. Thanks again Ville de Mon­tréal and sponsors!

Given that I live 5 min­utes from the event I was able to get there eas­ily on a cou­ple of sep­a­rate occa­sions. It was a great scene to pho­to­graph and there were pho­tog­ra­phers every­where. Here are a few of my favourite images from the event using inten­tional cam­era move­ment in order to get this painterly effect.

Montréal en lumières - Montreal in lights festival 2012 - Stairs and Ferris Wheel

Mon­tréal en lumières — Mon­treal in lights fes­ti­val 2012 — Stairs and Fer­ris Wheel


Montréal en lumières - Montreal in lights festival 2012 - Slide

Mon­tréal en lumières — Mon­treal in lights fes­ti­val 2012 — Slide


Montréal en lumières - Montreal in lights festival 2012 - Luminous Musical Wands

Mon­tréal en lumières — Mon­treal in lights fes­ti­val 2012 — Lumi­nous Musi­cal Wands


Montréal en lumières - Montreal in lights festival 2012 - Street Scene

Mon­tréal en lumières — Mon­treal in lights fes­ti­val 2012 — Street Scene

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