Montreal Photography

Although I’m biased for sure (Mon­treal is the city of my birth, and where I live and play), I think Mon­treal is THE coolest city in Canada and it def­i­nitely has it’s own spe­cial mood and vibe. Part of what makes Mon­treal so cool is the fact that although Eng­lish is spo­ken by many, Mon­treal is the sec­ond largest French speak­ing city in the West­ern world.  The munic­i­pal gov­ern­ment works pri­mar­ily in French and all the street signs are in French. That said, most Mon­treal­ers are bilin­gual and many of us are trilin­gual. You can often here French and Eng­lish being spo­ken in the same sentence.

Mon­treal is a mul­ti­cul­tural, tol­er­ant and open minded city. Most peo­ple gen­er­ally get along really well and this is another rea­son that I really dig Montreal.

Here are some of my favorite Mon­treal pho­tographs with many more to come.