Amarula Ice Bar — Le bar de glace Amarula — Montréal

A few weeks ago I went to have din­ner with some friends at the Pom­mery ice restau­rant in the brand new Snow Vil­lage in Mon­treal on Ile Sainte-Helene. The food was quite good but my butt was way cold even though I was wear­ing long under­wear. I rec­om­mend thick snow pants if you want to check out the restau­rant and have din­ner. Be pre­pared to spend some cash because it’s not cheap, but it IS quite an expe­ri­ence though and I do rec­om­mend it.

It’s the first year they put this sea­sonal vil­lage together and it’s made com­pletely of ice and snow. It includes a hotel, chapel, bar and restau­rant all made out of ice and snow — way cool if you like the cold. The icy sculp­tural decor is a really nice touch and the over­all com­bi­na­tion of ice, snow and light is a won­der­ful sen­sory expe­ri­ence. Because I went with friends I couldn’t take as many pic­tures as I wanted but we did take a good look around and the vil­lage is stun­ning. I hope to go back before the vil­lage melts and take some more shots.

Amarula Ice Bar Montreal -  Le bar de glace Amarula - Montréal

Amarula Ice Bar Mon­treal — Le bar de glace Amarula — Montréal
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